After completing his military service and making a living by selling fresh produce, Jae-hyeon is eager to resume his studies at the university. One day, he encounters Hye-ri, a regular customer who also works as a call girl. Intrigued by her enigmatic personality, Jae-hyeon agrees to form a friendship with her.
As their bond grows stronger, Jae-hyeon witnesses Hye-ri being subjected to harsh treatment by her abusive spouse, who also happens to be her pimp. Driven by his compassionate nature, Jae-hyeon intervenes to protect her. This act of bravery further solidifies their connection, leading them to spend a passionate night together. However, when Hye-ri discovers the money Jae-hyeon has left for her, she feels hurt and disappears from his life without a trace.
Time passes, and Jae-hyeon secures a job at an insurance company, settling into a monotonous routine. Unexpectedly, Hye-ri reenters his life, reigniting their love as if it were predestined. They decide to live together, but tensions arise when Hye-ri expresses her sudden desire to pursue an acting career. This change puts a strain on their relationship, exhausting Jae-hyeon as he struggles to support her ambitions.
To complicate matters further, Hye-ri quits her night job, causing her pimp husband to relentlessly hunt her down. The external pressure intensifies as he starts to harass Jae-hyeon, adding more cracks to their already fragile relationship.