
A hilarious tale of self-discovery, our story revolves around a 17-year-old protagonist who embarks on an unforgettable journey. Faced with the impending move to a new city, he finds himself determined to overcome a personal challenge: engaging in his first-ever fight. Eager to fulfill this rite of passage, our protagonist enlists the help of his closest confidants, three loyal and mischievous friends. Together, they embark on an epic quest to ensure his transformative coming of age, all while navigating the uncharted territories of teenage life. Will their antics lead to triumph or teach them unforeseen lessons along the way? This uproarious comedy explores the universal theme of self-discovery in the hilarious context of youthful friendships and adolescent antics.
 当前资源由飞鸟云播提供 - 米格尔想战斗免费在线播放,流畅高清画质



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