
In this gripping tale, a courageous individual is compelled to confront his deepest fears and come to terms with a tumultuous history that haunts him. As fate would have it, he finds himself in a life-or-death situation when his colleague succumbs to a sudden burst of madness and embarks on a rampage of relentless violence. Faced with this daunting predicament, our protagonist must summon every ounce of strength and determination to survive. Can he outwit and outmaneuver his deranged coworker, or will he become another casualty in the wake of this violent storm? Prepare for a heart-pounding journey as our hero battles his past demons while fighting for his very existence.
 当前资源由飞鸟云播提供 - 乘客免费在线播放,流畅高清画质



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