原始求生记 第一季电影简介
In an exhilarating adventure series, Primal Survivor follows the awe-inspiring exploits of Hazen Audel, an extraordinary wilderness guide and survival instructor. Armed with invaluable knowledge acquired from indigenous communities, Hazen embarks on a series of extraordinary expeditions that challenge the boundaries of human endurance.
Immersing himself in the lives of local tribes, Hazen takes time to understand their unique cultures and ways of survival. Armed with this profound understanding, he fearlessly embarks on solitary journeys through treacherous territories that push him to the brink of his physical and mental capabilities.
Throughout each harrowing journey, Hazen relies solely on his wits, resourcefulness, and the ancient wisdom he has gleaned from his interactions with native inhabitants. From navigating dense jungles to scaling treacherous mountainsides, he faces the unforgiving forces of nature head-on, determined to conquer the untamed wilderness that lies before him.
Join Hazen Audel as Primal Survivor takes you on an adrenaline-fueled quest for survival, where the limits of human potential are tested and the unyielding power of the natural world reigns supreme.