
In a ground-breaking move, DC Animation is venturing into the realm of fully CGI animation with their upcoming film, DC Battle of the Super Sons. Set to be released on home video in 2022, this thrilling adventure marks a new era for the beloved franchise. In DC Battle of the Super Sons, the young heroes Damian Wayne (Robin) and Jonathan Kent (Superboy) join forces to save the world from a sinister threat. As the sons of two iconic superheroes, they must overcome their differences and utilize their unique powers to protect the innocent. With stunning CGI animation bringing the iconic characters to life, viewers will be immersed in a visually breathtaking world. The film promises to deliver high-octane action sequences, heartwarming moments, and the timeless theme of the enduring bond between fathers and sons. DC Battle of the Super Sons is set to captivate audiences of all ages, combining the beloved characters and thrilling narrative that fans have come to expect from the DC franchise, with the groundbreaking CGI animation that pushes the boundaries of storytelling in the superhero genre. Get ready to witness the epic clash of the Super Sons as they rise to save the day in this unforgettable cinematic experience.
 当前资源由飞鸟云播提供 - 蝙蝠侠和超人:超凡双子之战免费在线播放,流畅高清画质



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