The film revolves around the eight members of BNK48 - Noey, Kaew, Mobile, Namneung, Kaimook, Namsai, Tarwaan, and Pupe. Together, they embark on a secret and special project that requires them to stay in Isaan, a province in Thailand, for a period of time.
However, the transition to a new environment proves to be challenging for the girls, as they struggle to adapt to the local customs and the unfamiliar Isaan cuisine. Despite these difficulties, they are determined to push through and make the most out of their time in Isaan.
One of the main tasks assigned to them is to work on a unique song that combines popular music with traditional Isaan melodies. This musical fusion not only challenges their artistic abilities but also serves as a beautiful representation of the harmonious blend between modern and traditional influences.
Throughout their journey, the girls grow closer as they confront their fears, learn to appreciate the cultural diversity, and forge deep connections with the people of Isaan. With each passing day, the girls not only become better performers but also discover their own strengths and identities.
As the movie progresses, the bond between the girls strengthens, and they become an unstoppable force, ready to conquer any obstacles that come their way. Through their determination, perseverance, and love for music, they ultimately succeed in creating a remarkable piece of art that transcends boundaries and unites people from different walks of life.