Following the tragic demise of his spouse, BILL PONDER (played by Simmons) and his seventeen-year-old son WES decide to leave their humble hometown behind and relocate to the bustling city, hoping for a fresh start. As they navigate their way through this new chapter in their lives, both Bill and Wes strive to find solace and heal their emotional wounds. Along the way, they unexpectedly find love, which provides them with a sense of comfort and renewal.
Wes crosses paths with LACY, a shy yet resilient young woman whose enigmatic nature immediately captivates his attention. Their connection grows stronger as they delve into a relationship filled with intriguing moments and self-discovery. Meanwhile, Bill encounters CARINE, a graceful and empathetic teacher who shares a common understanding of past heartbreaks. Through their bond, they find solace and understanding, which helps them mend their shattered hearts.
However, as their newfound relationships face challenges, both Bill and Wes experience distance between them. Yet, through a series of trials and self-reflection, they eventually reconcile and deepen their bond, simultaneously uncovering their authentic selves. This heartwarming tale, penned by Cameron West, explores the powerful dynamics of love and personal growth in the face of adversity.